Article 421 Outflows on Retail Deposits


Institutions shall separately report the amount of retail deposits covered by the UK deposit guarantee scheme or an equivalent deposit guarantee scheme in a third country, and multiply by at least 5% where the deposit is either of the following:

  1. (a) part of an established relationship making withdrawal highly unlikely;
  2. (b) held in a transactional account, including accounts to which salaries are regularly credited.


Institutions shall multiply other retail deposits not referred to in paragraph 1 by at least 10%.


Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2, institutions shall multiply retail deposits that they have taken in third countries by a higher percentage than provided for in those paragraphs if such percentage is provided by comparable third country reporting requirements.


Institutions may exclude from the calculation of outflows certain clearly circumscribed categories of retail deposits as long as in each and every instance the institution rigorously applies the following for the whole category of those deposits, unless in individually justified circumstances of hardship for the depositor:

  1. (a) within 30 days, the depositor is not allowed to withdraw the deposit; or
  2. (b) for early withdrawals within 30 days, the depositor has to pay a penalty that includes the loss of interest between the date of withdrawal and the contractual maturity date plus a material penalty that does not have to exceed the interest due for the time elapsed between the date of deposit and the date of withdrawal.

[Note: This rule corresponds to Article 421 of the CRR as it applied immediately before revocation by the Treasury.]